lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

unit 6. Family :D

yesenia's husband is herwing
yesenia's parents are carmen and teofrastro
herwing's son-in-law of teofrasto and carmen
Aixa's wife edinson
Edinson's son-in-law of teofrasto and carmen
Lourice's husband Raul
Lourice's parents are carmen and teofrasto
raul's son-in-law of teofrasto and carmen
Edilma's daugther of carmen and teofrasto
Teobaldo's son of carmen and teofrastro
Lenier's son of edilma
Sanet and saul's children of yesenia and herwing
Maoli and xavier's children of edinson and aixa
Laurianis's daugther of lourice and raul
me, maoli, xavier, lenier, sanet and saul's are grandchildren of carmen and teofrasto
yesenia's aunt of maoli, xavier, lenier, lauris and laurianis
aixa's aunt of lauris, laurianis, lenier, sanet and saul
lourice's aunt of lenier, maoli, xavier, sanet and saul
edilma's aunt of laurianis, lauris, sanet, saul, maoli and xavier
teobaldo's uncle of lenier, maoli, xavier, lauris, laurianis, sanet and saul
 lauris's parents are raul y lourice
lauris's sister of laurianis

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